Nominiert für den Gründer des Jahres Award 2022
Für alle Wohnschiff- und Hausbootinteressenten haben wir ein neues Handbuch „Hausboottechnik“ verfasst. Wenn Du ein Hausboot für den Eigengebrauch kaufen oder selber verchartern möchtest, wird Dir unser Ratgeber viel Geld einsparen. In den letzten Jahren haben wir um die 300 Hausbootprojekte aller Größen- und Preisklassen europaweit begleitet, ausgerüstet und teils sogar mitgebaut. Wir haben also fast alles gesehen – unsere Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen findest Du im neuen Ratgeber. Alle Fragen zum Rumpfaufbau, Energie- und Wassermanagement,
Watt&Sea CRUISING 300 Hydrogenerator for Mini 6.50
Two years ago, we saw the Integrel Power Solution + for the first time at METS Amsterdam, and we were keenly interested in the idea of using the main engine as a powerful generator. Today, we are proud to announce that tom logisch is the new dealer and installer of Integrel Power Solutions for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. We will present this new product line and the team in Düsseldorf at the Boot 2021 show
Our new Integrel product line to be presented at Boot Düsseldorf 2021
Two years ago, we saw the Integrel Power Solution + for the first time at METS Amsterdam, and we were keenly interested in the idea of using the main engine as a powerful generator. Today, we are proud to announce that tom logisch is the new dealer and installer of Integrel Power Solutions for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. We will present this new product line and the team in Düsseldorf at the Boot 2021 show
tom logisch in a brand-new look
tom logisch has adopted a new brand identity that is clear, concise and leads the industry in its category. Our new brand presence expresses our high standards in our work, solutions, engineering skills and our day-to-day craftsmanship in executing projects with and for our customers. Going forward, it gives our customers the special status they deserve. It is clear, simple, valuable and broadly welcoming of our customers and trusted partnerships, with whom we see ourselves as
Oops, we did it again! tom logisch wins the Brandenburg Innovation Award 2020 for the third time in a row.
tom logisch wins the Brandenburg Innovation Award 2020 for the third time in a row. Minister of Economics Jörg Steinbach recently honoured tom logisch with the BraIn Brandenburger Innovation Award 2020 in the field of plastics and chemistry for our aquonic® water generators.This is the seventh time that the Brandenburg Ministry of Economics has organized this competition, and our solutions have now been among the prizewinners for three consecutive years. Tom logisch was selected by an