Virtual Boat Show 2022
We all wanted to meet at boot 2022 in Düsseldorf on 22 January 2022. Since that (unfortunately) won't work out again this year, you can find out about the topics that interest you and us at our Virtual Boat Show 2022. Besides an extensive programme, we have also prepared special conditions and discounts for you on all tom logisch® solutions.
Over 22 Years of Experience in the Yacht Market
tom logisch® not only knows the most important features of all offers on the market—we know all the characteristics and features. Also, we have more than 20 years of operational experience in the installation and application of our own tom logisch® solutions. 80% of tom logisch® yacht customers are on long voyages, and through our support for them, we know which products work smoothly and are of lasting durability and which are not. Also, numerous shipyards
Go berth
Our new Europe-wide tom logisch berth placement helps you find a permanent place for your yacht or houseboat. The registration is free of charge and can be done in English at and in German at Commission is due only after acceptance of a berth contract mediated by tom logisch.
Help is never far away
Every skipper has experienced it: No sooner has a trip begun then some minor, and sometimes major, technical problem occurs. For quick and clear help, we offer our new tom logisch helpline. Here, you can leave a message briefly describing your problem, and tom logisch will promptly get back to you with a suitable solution. Of course, this tom logisch service is free of charge for all customers.
Wintertime is maintenance time
Our watermakers and wastewater treatment plants require winterization and frost protection, in addition to regular maintenance—especially when they are to be taken out of service for the winter months. Please be sure to notify us of your maintenance needs well in advance in order to save considerable travel costs through early planning and preparation. For our enteron® wastewater treatment plant, the following still applies: By carrying out an annual maintenance by tom logisch, the warranty period