Oops, we did it again! tom logisch wins the Brandenburg Innovation Award 2020 for the third time in a row.
Minister of Economics Jörg Steinbach recently honoured tom logisch with the Brandenburger Innovation Award 2020 (BraIn +) in the field of plastics and chemistry for our aquonic® watermakers +.
This is the seventh time that the Brandenburg Ministry of Economics has organized this competition, and our solutions have now been among the prizewinners for three consecutive years. tom logisch was selected by an independent jury of business and science experts from the Plastics and Chemicals cluster.
‘The corona pandemic is having a severe impact on life and work in our country. But our companies in the Mark Brandenburg from Angermünde to Schwarzheide, from Eisenhüttenstadt to Wittenberge are not letting their heads hang down but are giving their best even in difficult times. The two winners of the Innovation Award are a good example of this. They have developed new ideas and improved existing ones – and thus convinced the jury. Especially in these times, continuing to work on innovations is not only important for the companies themselves [but] is also an incentive for our Brandenburg economy as a whole’,
stressed Minister Steinbach at the award ceremony during the virtual ‘Plastics and Chemistry’ cluster conference.
We are deeply honoured by this award and wish to pass on a thank you to our customers – a 20% discount for the first 20 orders
To express our gratitude for the award, we offer a 20% discount on the first 20 orders of the award-winning aquonic® watermaker.
Read all about our aquonic® solutions at: